Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): 9 Benefits of the Beauty Treatment

A person getting a PRP facial.

Curious about the excitement surrounding platelet-rich plasma (PRP)? A PRP facial, more commonly known as a Vampire facial, is an excellent injectable treatment for restoring youthful vitality to the skin and reversing the visible effects of aging.

In this procedure, your own platelet-rich plasma is reinjected into the epidermis to release a flood of growth factors that kick-start the body’s own healing process. You can feel completely refreshed after one session.

Here are nine reasons why you should give the PRP facial a shot:

 Close-up of a person’s smooth, flawless face.

Lifts and tightens sagging skin

One session of plasma-rich therapy can repair the skin’s protective barrier and undo years of sun damage. In order to achieve tighter and more enhanced skin after treatment, this treatment goes deep into the dermis to regenerate connective tissue and boost collagen production. A PRP facial is often combined with other procedures at Infuze Wellness for better results. When used with microneedling therapy, this treatment smooths out any scars and fine lines on the skin.

Keeps dark spots under control

Hyperpigmentation occurs when there is an overabundance of the skin pigment melanin, which gives the skin a darker-than-normal or blotchy appearance. Since microneedling with platelet-rich plasma causes microscopic wounds in the skin that stimulate collagen synthesis, it can be used to treat hyperpigmentation problems. Platelet-rich plasma treats skin discolorations, including melasma, age spots, and hyperpigmentation caused by scarring, leaving you with skin that looks radiant and feels healthy all year round.

Helps your skin absorb and retain moisture

Your dermis and underlying epidermis will be protected against environmental aggressors if your skin is thick and resilient. Having a healthy skin barrier is also important for keeping moisture in. It also unclogs blocked pores, which helps your skincare products work better since they can actually seep into the skin and work their magic. It’s not quite clear how a vampire facial affects pores, especially since therapy smoothens and tightens your skin so pores aren’t visible. However, smaller, less noticeable pores and fewer blackheads make it easier for the body to absorb beauty-enhancing prescription medicines.

A person applying a cream to their face.

It’s a painless and effective procedure

You’ll start your vampire facial with a thorough cleansing of your face. This will guarantee that your skin is completely free of any impurities that could have an adverse effect on the treatment, such as dirt, dust, pollen, pollution, cosmetics, etc. After your face has been thoroughly cleaned, a skincare expert will apply a local anesthetic to the area. Even though the skin surrounding your eyes, mouth, and hairline is highly sensitive and delicate, you won’t feel any irritation or discomfort during the procedure.

Boost hair’s vitality and fullness

Over 80 million people in the United States deal with hair loss. Aside from the skin, hair follicles are another area of the body that benefits from platelet-rich plasma’s ability to speed up the healing process. This method is widely used by dermatologists since it stops hair from falling out and makes new hair thicker and fuller. You can also try taking a supplement formulated to improve hair health for optimal results and long-term upkeep.

Smooths out wrinkles and fine lines

Many people seek out vampire facials to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. PRP treatments reverse these signs of aging by increasing cellular turnover. Recycling the old skin cells and making new ones together with collagen and elastin are all part of the skin’s renewal process; PRP only gives this process a little boost. The facial skin tightens spontaneously in reaction to the micro-injuries created by therapy, which minimizes and even eliminates fine lines and wrinkles. When empty parts of your face are filled in, the impression of deeper folds on your skin is also reduced.

It’s a safe and natural treatment

PRP is highly safe since it relies on the body’s natural elements. And it’s not like this is some cutting-edge, novel therapy that has only emerged in recent years. Its remarkable wound-healing qualities have been recognized and utilized by the medical community and the sports medicine industry since the 1970s.

A person touching their face.

No lengthy recuperation time needed

Everyone wants to look younger and fresher than they actually are, yet none of us has the time to commit to the lengthy recovery times of facial rejuvenation procedures. Regular microneedling frequently causes noticeable redness for as long as a week. But with PRP facial, you won’t have to worry about this week-long recovery time. A platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection can help quickly and effectively heal the “micro-injuries” that microneedling causes.

The results are long-lasting

PRP’s effects take a little longer to show up (about three to four weeks), but they’re also more permanent (usually 12 to 18 months following a course of three sessions). At Infuze Wellness, we offer this treatment in a safe, soothing, and comfortable environment. Our on-site doctor performs the procedure, so you can relax knowing you’re in good hands.

Give us a call to learn more about our PRP facial in Las Vegas. Our aesthetic treatments are appointment-only, so make sure you call ahead and book your desired treatment.

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One response to “Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): 9 Benefits of the Beauty Treatment”

  1. My friend is looking for ways to improve her appearance before meeting her foreign clients next year. I never knew that trying out platelet-rich therapy gives you a permanent way to remove scars and dark spots from your face. I will recommend this idea to her so we can visit a spa that offers these treatments someday.

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